Looking for a fun DIY jewelry project for those cold and rainy days this winter?  Or perhaps a last minute DIY Christmas gift for your best girlfriend (don’t worry, you’re not the only procrastinator).  There’s nothing more special than wearing something handmade!

You can find wire wrapped rings at pretty much any boutique, but you you’ll have to pay a pretty penny for these little accessories.  So, why not put on some good music, get your friends involved and let those creative juices flow?!  It’s fun, easy and affordable.

Materials needed for DIY wire ring:

– 2 ft of 22 gauge metal, silver, or gold wire
– 1 Semi- precious stone bead of your choice
– A ring mandrel (used to form rings of your desired size)
– Wire cutter
– Flat nose pliers
– A good grip

Few easy steps:

– Begin by wrapping one end of the wire around the mandrel four times.

– Keeping the wire band wrapped tightly around the ring form, string the bead through the long end of the wire and wrap it three times tightly around the 4-layered band, at the end closest to the beads hole.

– Continue to wrap the wire four times beneath the stone, around the wire going through the bead. This will create a platform where the stone will sit.

– Then, again tightly wrap the wire three times around the 4 -layered band closest the beads hole.

– Finish by cutting the end of the wire and pushing it flat with your pliers so that it doesn’t poke you.